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About Backfield in Motion

Who We Are 

MISSION: Backfield in Motion is a non-profit organization that will focus on education through mastery of literacy and numeracy skills that leads to a high school diploma, a foundation for higher education, and the on-job skills needed to enter the world of work, while using athletics as an incentive for academic improvement.


VISION: Backfield in Motion seeks to Educate, Engage, and Empower at-risk youth to reach their maximum potential, intellectually, socially, and emotionally, while becoming significant contributors to an ever-changing and challenging society.


  • Created in 2000 by Joe Davis to provide a way for inner-city youth to have the same kinds of opportunities as those in more affluent areas.

  • Data driven academic yearly growth for students enrolled in our programs.

  • Governed by volunteer Board of Directors – 11, including the CEO and Senior Staff.

  • Several partnerships with corporations for community and school involvements.

What We Are 

  • An extended learning program dedicated to at-risk, low-income, students of MNPS.

  • 501 (c)(3) organization.

  • Serves approximately 300 students throughout the school year.

  • Funded by government grants, non-profit foundations, and private donors.

What We Do

Backfield in Motion focuses on fostering team work and building academic and social foundations. Students are challenged with more rigorous instructional methods and higher academic expectations. As students’ progress from the elementary and middle school setting, they will be encouraged to engage in varsity level sports and be exposed to a college/career readiness curriculum, which includes college visits, admissions counseling, internships, and job training.​


Throughout the program, teachers will instruct students in preparation for end of course exams such as TNReady, and ACT/SAT and other placement exams. BIM classes feature differentiated instruction, allowing students to receive targeted interventions, support services, more time on task with extended days, and individualized academic reinforcement. Students also receive character education and team building skills through our enrichment time instructed by our program coordinators.  Our academic program is one of the only program in Davidson County that employs certified, state licensed teachers.

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